Discord app hypesquad
Discord app hypesquad

The bot was used in Discord Testers, supposedly to report bugs. This bot is in Discord Testers, was used to tally votes through Discord to assign a severity value to an issue. One of the two bots with bug hunter badge. This bot is in Discord Testers, was used to report bugs directly to trello. Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity.

discord app hypesquad

Has slash commands only for Discord Developers server. This bot is used in Discord Developers server to get answers to frequently asked questions. This bot had 10 admin only commands and it was for Hallowen in 2020.Learn more about it at: Once you added the Halloween bot to your server, 40 unique trick-or-treaters would start knockin’ on your door for some sweet treats. More information can be found at: Ī bot to initiate snowball fights with other users. It was the first bot made with the official Discord API. The Pronoun Picker bot made by leah#8888 (215143736114544640) is the ”off-the-shelf solution for server admins who want to enable users to self-select their pronouns”.Learn more at: Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity and bot can be found in games lab server. Used in HypeSquad Events server to grant roles to members. Used for publishing social feed in official Discord servers like Discord Townhall. This bot is in Discord Testers, used to ask bug related questions by squashers(a rank in testers) and above.

discord app hypesquad discord app hypesquad

This bot is in Discord Testers, used to report moderation concerns. Modmail bot for Discord Developers server. This bot is in Discord Testers, used to take the quiz, give yourself a role, submit bug reports and interact with bug reports. This bot is used in Discord Developers server to give out roles. This bot is used in Discord Developers server, answers to frequently asked questions and has some public commands. Used for moderation purposes, GearGoat is a custom instance of the public GearBot made by AEntherprise#4693 (106354106196570112) and used in Discord Townhall, Discord Developers, etc.

Discord app hypesquad