Megascans plugin 4.26
Megascans plugin 4.26

megascans plugin 4.26

The material on the mesh you are creating an imposter from will require a few tweaks. It allows you to orient the mesh how you want relative to the camera. This setting is a start rotation setting that is only used when the single rotation axis option is selected. Single Rotation axis allows for better use of texture memory as there are not as many necessary to store. "Single Rotation Axis" only rotates the mesh around Z which is ideal for distant LOD for things that are grounded on the horizon such as Trees, large buildings or general skybox elements. Full 3D imposters get represented from all angles, including above and below. This is a drop down that allows you to choose between two different types of Imposter baking: "Full 3D Imposters" and "Single Rotation" axis. Expect a more friendly name for this setting soon. Note: I only realized upon typing this doc how incorrect this setting name is. It is suggested to keep the aspect ratio square for "Full 3D Imposters" and to only modify it when "Single Rotation Axis" mode is used.

megascans plugin 4.26

If the setting is 2, the aspect ratio will be 2:1 if the setting is 4 it will be 4:1 etc. At the default 1, the imposter grid will be square. This setting allows you to create nonuniform textures. Only adjust when necessary as the smaller the scale, the more resolution that is lost. This is only necessary in rare cases where the mesh very closely matches its sphere bounds causing the meshes to get close to the edge of each grid cell. This allows you to scale down the mesh slightly if you have any issues with edge bleeding in the final imposter sprite material. Higher numbers result in less 'popping' in the final result during motion but will either cause less texture resolution or require you to use very larger texture sizes. This setting determines how many frames around Z your imposter will store. You can simple use 0,0,1 transformed Tangent->World if there is no normalmap texture. The reason for that is we want to represent the world normal as viewed from the direction the camera would be, instead of all using the same camera which this top-down method forces. You need to use a Transform node set to "Tangent to Local" on the normalmap input for the materials in the imposter material array.

Megascans plugin 4.26